Things are heating up in San Jose!
As you know, back in June the City of San Jose voted to have their city attorney research and draft an ordinance imposing an annual tax and liability insurance mandate on gun owners within the city limits.
We responded immediately. Our lawyer sent them a cease-and-desist letter warning them to prepare for legal action if they attempt to tax the Second Amendment rights of San Jose citizens.
Mayor Liccardo responded by pretending it was all our fault:
“In the realm of sensible gun regulation, the gun industry and their lawyers ensure that no good deed goes unlitigated. I suppose that I should not be surprised that they have threatened to sue the city before they’ve even seen a single word in the ordinance.” (San Jose Inside)
Mind you, the City Council adopted a long, detailed list of exactly what they wanted (which you can view here), so everyone has a pretty good idea of what’s going to be in that ordinance.
Mayor Liccardo’s spokeswoman said the city was moving ahead with the ordinance, so we began planning for legal action.
Our legal counsel is currently preparing documents to be ready to file as soon as the ordinance is passed.
We’ve also put out a call to gun-owning city residents willing to serve as plaintiff (click here to apply!), and YouTuber Reno May promoted our upcoming lawsuit and plaintiff search on his awesome channel:
We have been incredibly humbled by the outpouring of responses, which our legal team is working their way through. San Jose gun owners are NOT happy about their city council’s mad dash for extreme gun control, if the number of plaintiff volunteers is any indicator!
Now, it’s a waiting game. Will the San Jose City Council think twice about taking on an expensive legal fight with little chance of success? Or will they insist on throwing away their constituent’s hard-earned tax dollars on experimental gun-control-by-litigation projects?
The city attorney is supposed to present the draft ordinance sometime in September, so we are watching the city council agendas and meetings very closely.
Finally, putting the best lawyers in the courtroom to fight for gun rights isn’t cheap. We need as many citizen partners to step up to the plate and back this lawsuit financially – even if they don’t live in San Jose.
Trust me, if San Jose gets away with taxing Second Amendment rights, it won’t be long before Bloomberg-funded progressive mayors all across the United States will push to impose similar gun violence taxes on their cities.
Even if you don’t live in San Jose, will you consider becoming a partner in this lawsuit by chipping in a tax-deductible contribution here?