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National Foundation for Gun Rights sends Cease and Desist letter to San Jose City Council, Mayor and City Attorney
Loveland, CO – The National Foundation for Gun Rights is demanding the San Jose Mayor and City Council to put an end to their efforts to impose a tax on a select group of law-abiding citizens simply for exercising their right to keep and bear arms.
On June 19th the city of San Jose voted unanimously to draft an ordinance imposing a mandatory fee on gun owners to cover the costs of “gun violence.” Additionally they voted to force gun owners to purchase gun liability insurance.
In a press release the city concedes that “criminals won’t obey these mandates” leaving the entire burden to be borne by law abiding gun owners.
“This a full-frontal assault on lawful gun owners by the gun control zealots running the city of San Jose,” said Dudley Brown, Executive Director of the National Foundation for Gun Rights. “The city brazenly admits in their own press release that the burden of extra insurance and fees will ONLY be on the law-abiding.”
The National Foundation for Gun Rights is exploring all legal options to oppose imposition of any forthcoming ordinance that would impose fees or burdensome insurance on citizens for exercising a constitutionally protected right.
“Punishing law-abiding gun owners for the actions of criminals is the kind of insane behavior NFGR has come to expect from bureaucrat gun control idiots like the ones that run San Jose,” said Brown.
The full text of the cease and desist letter may be found by clicking here.
The National Foundation for Gun Rights is a 503(c)(3) organization that exists to expand pro-gun precedents and defend gun owners in the courts.