Today, the Supreme Court of the United States held conference on our case against Illinois’ ban on so called “assault weapons” and standard capacity magazines for the first time.
In our appeal for certiorari at the Supreme Court, we have asked the justices to strike down the 7th Circuit’s decision to uphold the Illinois’ ban. You can read our petition for certiorari here.
Now, there are a couple of things that can happen with this:
- The Court accepts our petition, and we will move forward to an oral argument before the justices.
- The Court “punts” our case for further conference dates to discuss whether to take it.
- The Court could deny our petition for certiorari.
If the Court does “punt” the case for further conference, that is far from a bad thing. As much as we would like the Court to take our case as soon as they can, their discussing it at further dates can be an indicator that they are seriously considering taking it.
The landmark decisions from Heller and Bruen are being ignored, misapplied, or outright defied by the lower courts across the country. This is undoubtably something that the justices at the Supreme Court have noticed, and something they will have to correct.
The Supreme Court is going to have to answer the questions on “assault weapon” and standard capacity magazine bans sooner or later. If they choose not to take this case, and instead remand it back to the lower courts, our multi-circuit strategy will have the “assault weapons” ban issue right back on their desks in no time.
The Supreme Court releases an order list on Mondays with their decisions from the previous conference date. Your NFGR team will be closely monitoring the release of these orders and will keep you posted.
Stay tuned for updates on this case, we hope to hear good news soon.
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